Maintain direct communication with customers, informing news about the
company, the latest industry news, case studies of their products or
Zero Residues philosophy ... These are the main objectives of SEIPASA in
the field of Social Networks .
The company has made available to its customers and the general public different communication channels so that each may choose the one that best suits their needs.
In the blog "Zero Residues", the company features articles, videos, interviews ... related to the Zero Residues philosophy of its products and the importance of it in food production. As an example of one of the latest news published on the blog includes: "The British supermarket chain Marks & Spencer is committed to selling vegetables and fruits Zero Residues".
While SEIPASA Youtube Channel is oriented so that the client, and those intserested in the company, to learn more about their facilities, work and even personal. In fact, the first video of the company has been a tour of the SEIPASA field trials conducted by the Manager, Xavi Nácher.
On Facebook and Twitter, SEIPASA gives timely information on news of agriculture, research, significant progress or developments of the company.
And finally, the company also has presence in the Social Network Linkedin.
SEIPASA gets closer to its customers through SOCIAL MEDIA
May 30, 2012