The benefits of 100% organic full fertilizers

Full organic fertilizers (with contain the three primary nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) offer many benefits to crops compared to chemical fertilizers and even manure.
Put against manure variability, they guarantee fertilizer units (N, F, K) while they ensure the absence of weed seeds or pathogens that can migrate from manure to crop. Besides, many kinds of manure are not allowed in organic agriculture: those from intensive livestock farms are likely to be tainted with antibiotics, pesticide residues or heavy metals.
On the other hand, some kinds of manure very rich in macronutrients, such as nitrogen, if not mixed with poorer manure or plant remains, tend to imbalance despite composting.
Regarding synthetic fertilizers, the benefits are more evident, both for the crop and the environment, in the short and especially in the long term.
Although using of inorganic fertilizers contributes with immediately available nutrients to the plant, it is easy to employ them excessively or deficiently.
Chemical fertilizers do not amend the soil
Besides the chance of contamination of surrounding and underground water, and the increase of toxic salts in the soil when applied in large quantities, soil degradation is a significant risk in the single use of chemical fertilizers, since it eliminates useful microorganisms for plant nutrition. The simple fact is synthetic fertilizers fail to amend the substrate - they only feed the plant.
When organic fertilizers are applied, soil microorganisms themselves degrade them until they become water-soluble compounds that plants take advantage from. Another valuable feature is that they achieve the increase of activity in bacteria and fungi that benefit the soil. In fact, this kind of fertilizers boost the proliferation of fungi responsible for plants to take advantage of nutrients.
Thus, organic fertilizers improve soil structure, help to retain nutrients, allow carbon fixation in the substrate and enhance the ability of the crop to absorb water.
100% organic guarantee and official certification
This natural effectiveness can be found in specialty formula fertilizers tailored to the requirements of each crop in each time of the production cycle. The different lines of SEIPASA fertilizers are a sample of the best options for natural nutrition.
SEIPASA offers 100% organic guaranteed fertilizers, supported by an environmental certificate, which are great for integrated production.
Multisei and Terrasei fertilizers
The balanced composition of the Multisei and Seivital products lines (liquid and solid organic) place them as regenerating soil models for their ability to balance the substrate nurturing, improving its structure, composition and microbial activity.
Multisei fertilizers also promote the formation of soil aggregates that improve soil friability, which facilitate farming and prevent waterlogging and root asphyxia. In the same line, they include on their formulations vegetable raw materials with a high degree of refinement that avoid problems such as precipitates and clogged drip irrigation systems.
Seivital solid fertilizers, featuring pellets that get distributed on the soil easily and uniformly, allow immediate availability as they disintegrate in just five minutes in the presence of water and dissolve completely in no more than four hours. This achieves the maximum yield per added fertilizer units.
They ensure a fertilizer of organic origin, free of pathogens, antibiotics and weed seeds, while also free from Salmonella, Enterobacteriaceae, and Streptococci.
When regularly applied, they are the best solution to enrich and restore eroded soils, compacted or depleted, since they achieve the increase of porosity of the substrate as long as they allow greater air circulation, as well as rapid infiltration and greater retention of rainwater or irrigation water.
SEIPASA’s Terrasei line is a response to the nutritional needs of crops in different growth stages, since it combines mineral nutrition with the energy input and the soil structuring contribution of organic fertilization.
Furthermore, these products include a percentage of aminoacids in their composition, which results in an energy plus for crops, since they allow the plant to use up its metabolic resources for primary physiological functions.