Organic fertilizers to improve soil in intensive crops

Organic fertilizers Multisei and Terrasei are the greatest impulse for horticultural soil fatigued by the intense activity and poor quality of the water
Calcareous soils, saline waters and two or three crops per year on the same land. These conditions that combine the horticultural crops of the southeast of Spain carry the risk of soil fatigue, which implies loss of vigor and productive yield of the plants. The degradation of the structure and physical properties of the substrate accelerates the incidence of chemical and biological factors, such as nutrient deficiency due to exhaustion or blockage, contamination by phytotoxic ions or by pathogenic organisms, competition between microorganisms and cultivated plants, or loss of the biological balance of the soil by the use of disinfectants. Being aware of this problem, producers are looking for solutions that maintain productivity and quality in their fields, and find great support in specialized organic fertilizers for this purpose such as Multisei and Terrasei.
Organic fertilizers to regenerate soils and increase fertility
Multisei line products of SEIPASA are specially designed to regenerate punished soils due to their high content of organic matter of vegetal origin and of fulvic acids, optimal C/N ratio and incorporation of molasses. “Molasses are the main source of energy of the microorganisms involved in the fermentation of organic fertilizer. So they favor the microbiological activity of the soil, and contain micronutrients, too", underline the technicians of the area". All this leads to an improvement of the structure and composition of the soil, increasing the porosity and, therefore, the capacity of air and water retention, as well as the availability of elements. The Technical personnel especially emphasize the high solubility of this liquid organic fertilizer, with a high degree of refinement of its raw materials, which avoids problems of obturation in the drip irrigation systems.
Stimulation and root protection
Multisei also enhances the action of biostimulants and root protectors such as Seiland, a product of great capacity in the biological activation of the rhizosphere that becomes essential in the planting phase: "Promoting beneficial microorganisms of the soil provides a protective barrier and a reinforcement of the root system against pathogen attacks and root diseases". With the decrease in temperatures, horticulture especially need this boost to activate the plant. "Seiland encourages the crops to emit new roots and acts as biofertilizer because of its ability to fix nitrogen or solubilize phosphorus and because it provides beneficial substances and enzymes", explain the technicians of SEIPASA.
Nutrition Bioactivators
In addition, the action of Terrasei as a bioactivator of nutrition is essential. As the technical personnel explain, although the references of the Terrasei line (liquid organomineral fertilizers) contain NPK, the true value of their complex formulation lies in the conjugation of these elements with other molecules that complement nutrition and facilitate nutritional absorption, provided that they are capable of unblocking the substratum and liberating the nutrients. Terrasei products improve the efficiency of chemical fertilizers by increasing the cation exchange capacity and, consequently, the storage of nutrients in the soil. This represents a saving in the long run for the farmer since it allows to reduce the amount of pure synthetic fertilizers to apply. “They incorporate, in addition to organic matter, fulvic acids and amino acids, which translates into a jolt of energy that allows the vegetable to dedicate metabolic resources to physiological functions". The possibility of foliar use, besides irrigation, allows a rapid assimilation of nutrients. For more information on our organic fertilizers you can access the product sheets in the following links: y or contact SEIPASA by email
Organic fertilizers in watermelon crop.
TERRASEI LINE Because of history and presence on the market, different formulations of TERRASEI LINE are one of the most important allies in the plant nutrition. The proper combination of organic and mineral components determines the characteristics of TERRASEI LINE; different NPK relations adapt to the needs of crops in their different phenological stages. The organic fraction improves physicochemical properties of agricultural soils and produces the biological activation of the rhizosphere.
- Optimizes crop yields.
- Improves crop quality: precocity, size, smoothness and ripening.
- Nutritionally balanced plantations.
- Contribution of amino acids, fulvic acids and organic matter.
MULTISEI LINE The MULTISEI LINE includes our liquid organic fertilizer par excellence. This is a range of products that regenerate soil, because in addition to nurture, improve the structure, composition and microbial activity. The contribution of organic matter recover soil, balancing its content.
- Improve macro and micronutrients absorption.
- Increase the cation exchange capacity and the storage of nutrients in the soil.
- Activate nutrient mineralization processes.
- Contribute to the formation of soil aggregates that improve soil friability, facilitating farming, avoiding waterlogging and root suffocation.
- MULTISEI, MULTISEI K and MULTISEI Mg are an important source of macro and micronutrients, especially relevant in intensive crops, nurseries and seedbeds.
- Improve the efficiency of chemical fertilizers.
- The liquid formulation is an advantage over the organic solids, because reach the main area of root uptake.
- MULTISEI, MULTISEI K and MULTISEI Mg contain in their formulation raw materials of plant origin with a high degree of refinement, that avoid precipitation problems and seals in drip irrigation systems.