SEIPASA at Fruit Attraction 2016

SEIPASA images at Fruit Attraction 2016
Successful participation and great reception of 'Zero Residues' SEIPASA products
Click on the thumbnails to see the photos to superior size The passage of SEIPASA along Fruit Attraction 2016 has concluded exceeding expectations. With large numbers of visitors throughout the whole fair, which was held from 5 to 7 October at the IFEMA fairgrounds, SEIPASA says goodbye satisfied by the great success of their products and new developments. The new natural insecticides of SEIPASA Nakar and Pirecris have aroused great interest among professionals in the sector, given its high capacity to control pests - demonstrated with diverse independent tests - with the added value, with regard to the conventional products, of obtaining 'Zero Residues' crops. This was evidenced by the success of call in the technical talk devoted to explaining the properties, field efficiencies and integration strategies IPM (Integrated Pest Management) of new insecticides solutions
. During the event many attendees were interested in the SEIPASA latest developments. The future of the agricultural sector was also present at the SEIPASA's stand represented by a group of students from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. The director of R&D+i department,
, responded to their concerns and showed them the great potential that natural treatments can reach, most of them of botanical origin, after a thorough research and development to achieve the ideal formulation. SEIPASA’s stand was also the scene of a meeting of all partners making up the consortium responsible for carrying out the ambitious European project Life+ Zero Residues (LIFE12 ENV/ES/000902: LIFE Zero Residues: towards a sustainable production and supply chain for stone fruit). The conclusions of this initiative, aimed at improving the quality and sustainability of production, conservation and marketing of stone fruit with the guarantee to be free of residues, speak of success. For more information about SEIPASA products (biopesticides, biostimulants, fertilizers...), contact us: