Several members of Seipasa’s equipment have visited, for one week, diverse farmland of Morocco in which are using treatments Zero Residues® Seipasa. During the same one, both the producers and the distributors in the area, have praised the excellent results obtained with the above mentioned products.
The work of the equipment of Seipasa in Morocco has focused on the technical support, both to the distributors and to the farmers of the zone, with personalized visits to their fields and an integrated service for the clients - farmers. In this sense, SEIPASA has a Network of Commercial Technicians, with wide experience in the sector and excellent training, since they are in charge of the advice, both in the selection and use of company products.
SEIPASA Technicians have traveled both north and south of Morocco, where they visited strawberry crops that presenting problems like Botrytis or Aphid disease, and melon plantations with Oidium or Powdery Mildew. Also, have traveled to Agadir, the main area of vegetable production in the country, where they visited plantations of pepper, tomato or watermelon. During such visits the producers have received personalized advice on the use of SEIPASA’s products to control these diseases and pests.
SEIPASA customers in Morocco have praised the effectiveness of its Zero Residues® treatments to deal with various problems in their fields and have been interested in the use of new products from the company.
Morocco producers praise the excellent results obtained with SEIPASA Zero Residues® treatments
February 7, 2013