Pedro Peleato, CEO of Seipasa, elected new president of AEFA

February 22, 2023
Pedro Peleato, elected new president of AEFA
AEFA’s ordinary general assembly with its new president, Pedro Peleato, in the centre.

Pedro Peleato, CEO of Seipasa, was elected as the new president of AEFA, the Spanish Agricultural Nutrients Manufacturers Association, at the Ordinary General Assembly held yesterday in Valencia. Mr Peleato, who was previously the association’s treasurer, replaces Daymsa manager Juan Pardos, who has held the position since 2020 following the retirement of Victorino Martínez, at the head of the board of directors.

Mr Peleato takes over the presidency with a project that aims to further professionalise the figure of AEFA and highlight its value as a recognised and prestigious interlocutor within the agri-food sector. 

In his presentation, AEFA’s new president conveyed the message of change and renewal he wants to bring to the association: “We want to move from being an agri-nutrients association, which is what AEFA has been, to opening a chapter of opinion and discussion in the field of biostimulants and biocontrol”.

“Our programme,” adds Peleato, “is committed to sustainability, with a concept that we want to make tangible and move away from the generic sense that it currently has. We want to convey the reality that the 59 companies that make up AEFA are committed to respecting the environment and, above all, to working to provide solutions for farmers in particular and for the sector as a whole”.

The new president of the association has presented a project based on committees specialising in sustainability, regulatory framework and legal services as the main areas of work.

Mr Peleato is committed to promoting the recognition and public representation of AEFA, both with the Spanish Government and with each of the Autonomous Communities, as well as strengthening internal and external communication through synergies with other sectoral associations.

In addition to Pedro Peleato, the new board of directors is made up of Andrés Arévalo (Tradecorp) as VP, Juan Pardos (Daymsa) as secretary and Ricardo Villuendas (Lida) as treasurer. The group of members comprises Juana Martínez (ICL), Carmen Muñoz (Atlántica Agrícola), Fernando Feliu (Plymag), Ramón Pelegrí (Compo Expert), Francisco Artal (Artal) and Frederic Moreau (Servalessa-De Sangosse).

About Pedro Peleato

Pedro Peleato has been the founding partner of Seipasa since its creation in 1998. What began as a company specialising in the development of natural solutions for agriculture has grown into a multinational company with a presence in more than 25 countries. 

As CEO, Pedro Peleato has led the company’s international growth based on a solid commitment to innovation, sustainability and global registration of crop protection products. The development of the R&D policy has allowed Seipasa to obtain 3 patents on the market, of which Mr Peleato is the owner.

The commitment of Seipasa’s CEO to build a Natural Technology model based on innovation has been recognized with the National Innovation Award 2020, the most prestigious in its category, awarded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain.

About AEFA

Founded in 1997, AEFA is a non-profit association of agri-nutrient manufacturers established in the Spanish market, whose aim is to contribute effectively to the development and expansion of the agricultural sector.

Each company’s technical teams work separately, and sometimes jointly, on research tasks that are of interest and represent important improvements in agriculture. In the same way, the associates take up the challenge of supporting agricultural nutrition, acting with total transparency towards the farmer, informing him and collaborating with him to improve his production yield, while at the same time respecting nature and the environment.