From the Department of SEIPASA, in collaboration with SERES, has undertaken the implementation of the service of e-BILL ®, an electronic invoice format with full legal validity. The difference is that the recipient receives an e-mail notifying the arrival of an invoice issued by SEIPASA and can automatically download the invoice. Moreover, since that is digitally signed, the customer can choose to print or not the same.
The Director of Administration in SEIPASA, Raul Martin, remember that this system of sending digitally signed electronic invoices "is already mandatory in some countries, and also in Spain, to work with various public authorities, and, perhaps not too distant future , is compulsory for all.
Caring for the environment
By implementing this new system, SEIPASA seeks to transfer the philosophy of Zero Residues for their products and environmental stewardship to all departments of the company including, in this case, the administrative. "With the implementation of these actions we want to eliminate completely the role of the billing process," said the President of SEIPASA, Pedro Peleato.
For customers who are still heavily biased by the traditional method of receiving invoices by mail, SEIPASA process has eliminated the printing of invoices and inserting the same in the company. "When sending remittances bills from our ERP, the e-BILL ® system discriminate the documents that should be sent electronically to those who should be sent by mail. For those customers who request them on paper, SERES is responsible for printing and enveloping of the same, "says The Director of Administration in SEIPASA.
SEIPASA commitment to environmental stewardship by implementing electronic invoicing
March 21, 2012