SEIPASA presents its 2010-2011 product catalog where you will find the best solutions for crops care. We pay special attention to the of SEIPASA´s Zero Residues® processes, representing an advanced solution for the higher added value agriculture, to provide sustainable economy and farms´ profitable future, as usual, caring the field health.
A wide range of natural products with interesting news, throughout three products range: Disease Management products (Control of Powdery Mildew, Downy mildew, Rotting
etc.); Pest Management ones (multi-purpose, contact & Tran-laminar action, mites control, repellents
etc.) and Nutritional range (Organic Matter, Deficiencies correctors, Biostimulants
For more information, please contact us by phone +34 974 253 433 or by filling the information´s form of this web site.
SEIPASA new catalogue
April 20, 2010