Following the implementation of different social networks (Facebook, Twitter and Blog), SEIPASA continues its commitment to increase the channels of communication with its customers and launches its own channel on Youtube (Residuoscero).
In this channel, the team that will form part of SEIPASA presented the different areas of the company as well as demonstration videos on the use of some of our products. The main objective is to develop useful information for clients that work today and made known to all those interested in the company and its products.
The first of these videos is available now and is an approximation of the field trials of the company, which opened last year. In it, the Technician responsible for the Field Trials in SEIPASA, Xavi Nacher, presents the different types of tests being conducted in these facilities and their importance in the development of new research and products.
SEIPASA opened his own Youtube channel with a video on field trials
May 7, 2012